Saturday, May 2, 2009

How to Think Like a Fool #2: Make Things More Difficult

RISK: Make Things More Difficult

"Deep in the sea are riches beyond compare.
But if you seek safety, it is on the shore."
—Saadi of Shiraz

When the going gets tough, the fool makes it tougher. Whether you are solving a problem, creating new ones to solve, or just performing an everyday activity, it doesn't take much effort to increase the difficulty.

Right now I'm typing this while standing on my office chair (one that swivels and rolls), my knees aren't bent, and my keyboard is on my desk. Why not?

Challenge relieves boredom, stretches your abilities, adds some fun, and makes the original problem fade away in the process. I'm no longer worried about the quality of my writing, because I'm now trying to keep from falling.

My back now hurts. Yes! New problem to solve! Or I could make things even harder by standing on one foot and increasing the distance between the desk and the chair.

Creative solutions aren't always the easiest or the most economical.

Think: How can I make this more difficult?

See also my older post on obstacles.

UPDATE: Make Things More Difficult Movie

TOMORROW How to Think Like a Fool # 3: Don't Solve the Problem
How to Think Like a Fool #1: Look for Trouble
RIPPO the Fool—5 Types of Fool Think
How to Think Like a Fool in 60 DWays

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